James Monroe Memories
After realizing it has been a month since I been or seen James Monroe Elementary School. I can still remember standing in the hallway, the cubbies to put your backpacks instead of your locker, The second graders have lockers and not us, the late lunches and the talkative recesses, the disgusting food, and all the events held there. This October 8th James Monroe holds a Harves
t Eve, where there is games, rides, food, and more just to have fun. The day my brother brought home the paper I couldn't wait. My friends and I plan to go there and meet our teachers from kindergarten to fifth grade.
When me and my friends see it tomorrow we won't be scared to run down the halls or walk into the wrong room, or even bump into an eighth grader.
It's weird to see us from little kids walking down the hallway looking up at the fifth graders and thinking "Oh my god, they are so big. I wonder when I'm going to be in fifth grade." Then we see ourselves walking down the hallway looking down at the petrified faces of the kindergartners. Now we do the same thing just we are six graders and they are eighth graders.
My sister tells me all the time "Herbert Hoover is the best!" I tell her that yes, the food is awesome and having lockers is great and you aren't stuck with one teacher more than forty-five minutes or ninety minutes, but I right now I prefer Monroe. Maybe when I am in eighth grade I'll prefer Hoover. So, now I'm in the middle. A owl and a hornet mixed together. That's just me. Different from all the other people. Don't let the memories go. Help your old school or anything you left no matter how old you are or where you are.
Cool school. My school is like sooooo not cool. I would like to see how our school is like. Herbert Hoover...