Thursday, November 4, 2010

Milestone: Event

My Elevator Ride
It was an ordinary day like any other only the fact that I was going to New York to watch my dad work in his small boring office. Though it was better that doing math problems back at school.
The sickening smell of New York pollution swayed over me. I held my nose and wondered "Where are all the trees?" Walking on the streets I looked at the pieces of garbage on the sidewalk "New Jersey is so much better." I thought.
We walked slowly into a big building where the chandelier glowed high. The security asked for my dad's name. While they were busy talking my dad ushered me to go to the eleventh floor on the elevator, he would be there in a minute. I walked into the elevator all by myself, it felt like I had walked into a time machine. The doors closed disappearing everything from my view.
In slow motion I pressed the button, like they do in movies when something extraordinary happens. But let's face reality, we all know the elevator won't become a rocket ship like in "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory."  I was eleven and afraid to go on an elevator, so to defeat my fears I hurriedly pushed the button and the elevator started.
You know when the elevator starts you get that feeling like you just went down from the top on a roller coaster. Well, that's the feeling I got. I put my hands in my pocket and played around with my phone. The last thing I wanted to know was if this elevator was haunted. Yep, it's official I'm scared of elevators.
Then the elevator stopped suddenly and I fell to the floor. Oh, no now some ghost wants to haunt me. No, the elevator was stuck.  I tried not to panic, there was a emergency button right there and my phone was in my pocket. The question was "How long would it take?" Did I mention I'm claustrophobic .
I pressed the emergency button and switched on my  phone. Don't worry, I would get out of here...soon, I hope.
After waiting a long time in the filthy box I walked out feeling nauseous. I drank almost a gallon of water, and a whole lot of food.
"I may be eleven but after what happened today I'm never going on an elevator again" I thought to myself as I walked down the stairs stubbornly.


  1. Wow Nimra that must have really scared you. I have never been stuck in an elevator but I think I would be afraid of them to if I went through what you did in NYC. Good job on your post. I like how you added dialogue to enhance the story itself. I hope you are enjoying your break.
    Keep up the good work.

    Mr. Poole

  2. Dear Nimra,

    I'm sure that elevator ride is something that you will never forget! I really liked the simile you used comparing an elevator to one used in the "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". I honestly thought it was very creative.

  3. Dear Nimra,
    I am also scared of going in elevators. If I am in an elevator with someone I feel better, but if not the fear overwhelms me. My parents think I shouln't be scared, but that doesn't help. After an experience like that I can see why you don't like them. Great post!

  4. Dear Mr. Poole,
    Thanks for your delightful comment. The elevator ride has been one of my biggest events yet. Event like this would really scare someone. Have a great day!

  5. Rishika,
    Thanks for your post. The elevator ride is something I have never forgotten my whole life, and hopefully won't have another milestone like this. The glass elevator in "Charlie and the Chocalate Factory" is something I have remembered since third grade. Hope your having a good day!

  6. Simran,
    Elevators are just something that have creeped the daylight out of me. I never been a brave person for certain things. My parents also tell me not to be scared, as though they have been through what I have. I agree with you it absolutly does not help.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Tomboy MJ,
    Everyone is scared from something and elevators are for me. What is the thing that scares you most?

  9. Just sayin' that I'm not scared of elevators, but I AM scared of pink. SSH! And I am scared of.. oh what's it called... I forget.
