Friday, November 12, 2010

Milestone: Person

My Sister
Sidra, that's what I call her because it's her real name. Sidra and I are crazy together and even though we may have our little fights, she's still my bigger sister. It's not like we have our fights and then she'll walk away from me forever. We still share a house... sadly.
My sister is a nice, quiet (when she wants to be), always happy kind of person. The exact opposite of me. I remember a bunch of moments when we really needed each other, and I'm going to share them with you.
It was a bright sunny day, we were walking down the dirty little street's of Jersey City. Our mother was right in front of us. People in jumpsuits and sweat were doing construction on top of us. With amazement I looked up wondering how they even got there. I stopped for a moment looked at the sight carefully, and then went back to walking. My sister though ignored all the amazement around her and walked like they were sitting there eating ice-cream. Right then my sister fell to the ground with her face facing the sky. When she fell I started laughing like a hyena, but then I saw her face petrified. I looked up to where she was looking and saw the most biggest rock about to fall on her face and make it flat.
With adrenaline pumping in me I pushed her off the ground and then moved us away from where the big rock would know fall.
"Thanks, I owe you my life." She whispered.
"My pleasure." I whispered back. I really didn' care if I had helped her and was the heroine. I was just happy that she was there and alive. Head to head we walked away from the construction site.
Because of that little event we never fight, though we don't show our love everyday deep down inside we really do.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!!!! I loved your story! I wish I had a sister. :(!
